
Welcome to the AMC product catalog page.

Because our quality control standards are high, we manufacture only the highest caliber products. Your satisfaction is of paramount importance.

Below is a short list of the products we sell.

 DELTALOK- Description - Price

 LID FINDER - The Ultimate Pot Lid Organizer - Price 

 DRAINSAVER - Description - Price 

 [ENVIROZORB] - Description - Price 

All of the items listed above are currently available  and can be shipped via UPS to your location. There will be standard shipping charges applied.

For more information or to place an order, please contact us either via e-mail [by clicking on the contact button on this page] or [at] You may also call us at Phone: 604.241.2886  toll free (888) 680-2886  Fax:604.241.9890

We look forward to serving you.

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